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The Best Morning Routines for Success According to 4 Entrepreneurs Thumbnail

The Best Morning Routines for Success According to 4 Entrepreneurs

If you’re looking for a fresh and revitalizing way to start your day, look no further. Having a steady morning routine in place will help you to be productive and make the most of your entire day. Trade less-productive morning habits for some of the best morning routines, as practiced by some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.


Carving out designated time to clear your mind and center yourself is a great way to start your day to ensure success. Nadia Boujarwah, CEO of the clothing subscription service Dia & Co., gets up and meditates every morning. Boujarwah said, “I recently started using the meditation app Headspace. I use it for 10 minutes first thing in the morning.” It may seem like a simple step, but it’s a big one that many successful entrepreneurs integrate into their morning routines.


Committing to some form of exercise is an excellent way to wake up and get your day started. (If you don’t like the idea of exercise, just think of it as moving more.) Virgin Group founder Richard Branson begins every day with activities like tennis or cycling. Branson writes in his blog, “Exercise puts me in a great mind frame to get down to business, and also helps me to get the rest I need each night. There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing I have applied myself both physically and mentally every day.” Set your alarm early enough to fit in up to 30 minutes of exercise to jumpstart your day, get your blood flowing, and fuel your body to be successful. The long-run health effects, both physical and mental, can be substantial, too.

Set Goals

What are your intentions for the day? Do you have specific tasks that you must get done? Sit down and write a to-do list that lays out what your goals are for the day. Not only will this help you stay organized, but the simple act of physically writing it down will help you remember to complete those tasks. Mandeep Shahi is the co-founder and managing partner of ZENMED, an award-winning health and wellness brand; he recommends writing down your top three daily tasks before you pour your morning coffee or tea.

Make Your Bed

New York Times bestselling author Tim Ferriss of The 4-Hour Work Week has said making the bed is a morning priority for him to help prepare his mind for the day and get focused. If nothing goes right for you during the day, at least your bed will be nicely made when you return home to hit the hay. Completing even this simple task can also put you in a more productive mindset for the rest of your day.

Getting your day started on the right foot is an important key to having a successful day. If you begin with a set routine, you will find that it’s easier to tackle your challenges head-on and be the best version of you. It’s important to formulate a morning routine that works best for you, your lifestyle, schedule, and family, so experiment to see what works best for you.

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