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Financial guidance and advocacy for 

Public Sector Professionals

and Mild-Mannered Millionaires™

Fiduciary. Fee-Only. Holistic.

Who We Serve

We help public-sector professionals avoid costly mistakes and get the most out of their wealth by guiding you through the unique challenges that a life in public service creates, so you can get the most out of your career, retire with confidence, and live the life you want.

We serve Mild-Mannered Millionaires™, and those in the making, with efficient, tax-conscious planning that coordinates all the aspects of your financial life into a congruent whole, so you can work and retire confidently and live your best life.

Ken Robinson is a Cleveland, OH area Fee-Only financial planner. His firm provides comprehensive financial planning, retirement planning, and investment management to help public-sector professionals and Mild-Mannered Millionaires™ organize, grow, and protect their assets and financial well-being. Founded in 2000, Practical Financial Planning serves clients in a fiduciary capacity and never receives commissions of any kind.

As Featured In:

We are proud to support: 

Greater Cleveland Food Bank

Bike Cleveland